Friday, May 20 | 6:00 p.m. | Atlantic B
Lecture on African cinema
after the screening of ONCE UPON A TIME IN UGANDA, dir. Cathryne Czubek, Hugo Perez
The lecture will focus on the alternatives to the Hollywood production system: European co-productions, national cinematographies, Bollywood and Nollywood. Special emphasis will be placed on the cinema of Sub-Saharan Africa, characterised by its distinctive cinema culture with its specific production system and engaging forms of reception. The discussion will address issues of both art and genre. Can any other film industry in the world break the American hegemony?
Barbara Szczekała – Doctor of Arts, film expert, a graduate of the Jagiellonian University. Deputy editor-in-chief of the “Ekrany” magazine, film educator. Author of the book “Mind-game films. Gry z narracją i widzem” (2018).