Friday, May 13 | 6:00 p.m. | Kinoteka 1
Opening of Susan Sontag's retrospective following the screening of REGARDING SUSAN SONTAG, dir. Nancy Kates
Recent reissue editions of the most important essay collections by Susan Sontag (1933-2004), such as “On Photography”, “Against Interpretation and Other Essays”, “Regarding the Pain of Others”, as well as the publication of the Polish translation of the American intellectual's diaries, her memoirs and biography, testify to the continuing interest in her work and uncompromising way of life.
Prof. Małgorzata Radkiewicz will discuss Susan Sontag's interest in cinema and popular culture and explain why her essays remain relevant and are still widely read. The lecture will open the retrospective of the American critic’s cinematic oeuvre which corresponds with her writing and complements the themes it explores. Though rich and diverse, it remains almost unknown in Poland.
Prof. dr hab. Małgorzata Radkiewicz – film scholar, an employee of the Institute of Audiovisual Arts at Jagiellonian University, focusing on cultural identity in contemporary cinema and visual arts. Her research interests include women’s work in cinema, photography, and art.