Dreaming Walls
New York’s legendary Chelsea Hotel has long been a part of popculture, whether it be through its famous residents (Patti Smith, Robert, Mapplethorpe or Jim Morrison – to name a few) or how it has been featured in music, books and films. As property developers seek to see it reinvented as a boutique hotel, many of its long-term residents still live a strange and almost surreal life amidst the construction and renovation work, with the famous corridors haunted by memories and ghosts of different times.
projection time:80 min.
country/year:Belgium, France, USA, The Netherlands, Sweden /2022
director:Amélie van Elmbt, Maya Duverdier
pictures:Amélie van Elmbt
production:Hanne Phlypo / Clindoeil Films
festivals and awards:2022 – Berlin IFF; 2022 – Luxembourg City FF