Guest of the debate after the screening of "Simona".

Author of films, observer of nature.

Since 1994 he has been working for television broadcasters. He specializes in nature. He is a co-author or host of many television programs: Teleranek, Wkoło Natury, Król Zwierząt, Sówka, Leśne zwyczaje, Jedyneczka, Magazyn Przyrodniczy, Animals, Arka Noego, Dzika Polska, Przyroda i Ludzie, Pytanie na Śniadanie. Since 2018, he has been a regular contributor to the "Dzień Dobry TVN" program. On the Internet, he runs a YouTube channel: Marcin z lasu, and a video blog on Facebook under his own name. He is the author of the book "Gawędy o wilkach i innych zwierzętach", "Przyrodyjki", "Puszcza", "Plotki o Zwierzętach". The last one received the main prize in the "Child-friendly world" competition.