The OKI DOKI Family Block: Relations With Animals. A meeting after the screenings

Sunday, May 15 | 11:00 a.m. | Kinoteka 2

Wednesday, May 18 | 11:00 a.m. | Kinoteka 2

after the screenings of PINKI, dir. Ewa Martynkien, Wojciech Szczupak and BUCK FEVER, dir. Griet Goelen, Louise Van Assche

The OKI DOKI Family Block: Relations With Animals


In this block of films, we explore the world of animals from two different perspectives: one of a shelter dog and one of a girl-hunter. What can we learn from the animals? The films will be the basis for discussions on how to help shelter animals, and why it is better to adopt them instead of buying.

Meeting with Pamela Grzelak, artist and dog welfare volunteer following the screening.