Why Are We Going Round In Circles When It Comes to the Fight for the Planet? Improv by Klub Komediowy after the screening of GOING CIRCULAR

Tuesday, May 17 | 8:00 p.m. | Kinoteka 7

Why Are We Going Round In Circles When It Comes to the Fight for the Planet? Improv by Klub Komediowy

after the screening of GOING CIRCULAR, dir. Nigel Walk, Richard Dale

Scientific reports and environmentalists' forecasts do not leave much room for optimism. Can we still imagine a future in which humanity not only survives but thrives? Perhaps it is possible to develop a global system that eliminates waste and saves the planet's resources? Is it a utopia or could it be a realistic plan? The protagonists of the documentary “Going Circular” claim that solutions to create a closed-loop economy are possible. What's more, they have already been developed to perfection in nature itself. Maybe escaping to Mars is not the only alternative for the human species, after all?

Klub Komediowy is an independent theatre venue that has been operating in Warsaw since 2014. A basement playground for adults, where American comedy meets Polish culture. They perform original and self-produced shows: improvised performances, literary cabaret, as well as stand-up or dubbing, representing different forms of live comedy. Klub Komediowy is a leading group of this kind in Warsaw, and (apparently) still the only comedy club in Poland.