What Should the State Not Hide From Us? Debate after the screening of UNITED STATES VS. REALITY WINNER

Monday, May 16 | 6:30 p.m. | Kinoteka 1

after the screening of UNITED STATES VS. REALITY WINNER, dir. Sonia Kennebeck

Debate: What Should the State Not Hide From Us?

Partner: “Polityka” weekly

Embezzlement, acts of corruption, breaches of regulations – who exposes them most effectively? Apart from institutions, does society need individuals who bend the law intending to share their knowledge? Is it an act of social courage or a detriment of the state? What are state secrets and their limits?


prof. Adam Bodnar – Polish lawyer and academic, a habilitated doctor of legal sciences, human rights activist. He was the Vice-President of the Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights in 2010-2015 and the Polish Ombudsman for Citizen Rights in 2015-2021. University professor at the SWPS University and the dean of its Faculty of Law (since 2021).

Anna Błaszczak-Banasiak – Director of Amnesty International Poland, lawyer, activist, a specialist in anti-discrimination law. She worked in the European Parliament and previously, for 14 years, in the Office of the Polish Ombudsman where she led the Equal Treatment Team.


Edwin Bendyk – journalist, columnist and writer, commentator for the “Polityka” weekly. University lecturer. A Member of the Polish PEN-Club. President of the Board of the Stefan Batory Foundation. He runs the blog “Antymatrix”. Author of the recently published book “W Polsce, czyli wszędzie. Rzecz o upadku i przyszłości świata”.