The OKI DOKI Documentary Academy. Workshops for children following the film block RELATIONS WITH ANIMALS

Saturday, May 14 | 11:00 a.m. | DCF, Polonia screening room

The OKI DOKI Documentary Academy.
Workshops for children following the film block RETAIONS WITH ANIMALS.

For children (+10) and their carers
Duration: approx. 90 minutes

Documentary films provide the young audience with a useful window on the world. They evoke feelings of surprise and agitation, sometimes creating discord. The OKI DOKI Documentary Academy aims to address these reactions and allow the emotions to surface so that the film screening can serve as a lesson in empathy and tolerance, and broaden the children's understanding of themselves and the world.

In this block of films, we explore the world of animals from two different perspectives: one of a shelter dog (Pinki) and one of a girl-hunter (Buck Fever). After the screening, we will also get to know a different kind of quadruped, representatives of the urban wildlife - the hedgehogs. They live near us, so it is worth knowing as much as possible about them! What kind of risks are hedgehogs most prone to? How to recognise a sick or injured hedgehog? How to give it first aid, and what to do to avoid causing harm? How can you help hedgehogs on a daily basis? What is quilling, anointing, and why do we hate blue pellets? Frolicking, spiky balls will act as special guests at the workshop. After answering all of the questions, you will get a chance to watch baby hedgehogs being fed.


Marta Zienkiewicz-Barańska – volunteer at the EKOSTRAŻ association in Wrocław

Partner: The EKOSTRAŻ Association for the Protection of Animals in Wrocław