Nothing Lasts Forever

Nothing Lasts Forever
dir. Jason Kohn/USA/2022/87 min.
Gdyńskie Centrum Filmowe, sala Warszawa

"The diamond was never real either. The diamond was always a lie. So the synthetic diamond is just a lie about a lie.” says one of the protagonists Aji Raden. Illusions and reality merge, where authenticity and imagination overlap, and questions arise about the value we place on the goods around us.


  • projection time:
    87 min.
  • country/year:
    USA /2022
  • director:
    Jason Kohn
  • pictures:
    Heloisa Passos
  • production:
    Amanda Branson Gill / Kilo Films
  • festivals and awards:
    2022 – Berlin IFF, 2022 – CPH:DOX Copenhagen

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