The Rhine Flows to the Mediterranean Sea

The Rhine Flows to the Mediterranean Sea
dir. Offer Avnon/Israel/2021/95 min.
Dolnośląskie Centrum Filmowe, sala Lalka

“Is there something to learn from the Shoah?” As a son of an authoritarian Holocaust survivor and as an individual who chose to emigrate to Germany, I search after the cognitive presence of the Holocaust and its possible influence on us. The interview segments are a textual frame for the images, which develop a certain autonomy. The subjective character of the film derives from the strong bond between us and our story; needless to mention that we are traumatized. This theme, personal and emotional as it is, holds a substantial political significance, and it takes a clearer place as the film progresses, and the scenery changes from Germany and Poland, towards my hometown Haifa, where Jews and Arabs live side by side.


  • projection time:
    95 min.
  • country/year:
    Israel /2021
  • director:
    Offer Avnon
  • pictures:
    Offer Avnon
  • production:
    Offer Avnon
  • festivals and awards:
    2021 - DOK Leipzig: Opening Film; 2021 - Haifa IFF; 2022 - Thessaloniki Documentary Festival

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